Carr Lane 美国CARRLANE公司介绍全系列产品


Carr Lane Manufacturing被公认为全球几乎所有行业使用的标准工具部件和工业部件的全球领导者。

Carr Lane Manufacturing主要以夹具和夹具工具部件而闻名,提供100,000多种工业零件产品,包括快速更换工具板和附件,提升环,肘节夹,手柄,旋钮,球和弹簧柱塞,螺纹嵌件,夹紧带,钻套 ,定位销,夹具底座和动力工件夹持装置。

Carr Lane Manufacturing is recognized as a world leader for standard tooling components and industrial parts used by virtually every industry around the globe.

Known primarily for jig & fixture tooling components, Carr Lane Manufacturing offers more than 100,000 industrial parts products including quick change tooling plates & accessories, hoist rings, toggle clamps, handles, knobs, ball & spring plungers, threaded inserts, clamp straps, drill bushings, alignment pins, fixture bases, & power workholding devices. We are proud to sell American-made products, with the majority of our fixture manufacturing done at our two American plants located in St. Louis, MO, and Austin, TX. 

Carr Lane Manufacturing is ISO 9001:2008 certified. British Standards Institution auditors determined the company meets International Organization for Standardization requirements for consistently high-quality products and manufacturing processes. Carr Lane Manufacturing's ISO status was originally registered on November 29, 1996.

Carr Lane Manufacturing is committed to being the world's preferred source of standard tooling components by meeting and surpassing our customers' expectations for top quality and excellent service every day.



